Fatigue - Restore Health Clinic

What is fatigue?

Fatigue is a feeling of extreme physical or mental tiredness that can make even small tasks seem impossible. It's a nearly universal human experience - most of us have felt fatigued at some point.

There are two main types of fatigue:

What causes fatigue?

Many factors can drain our physical and mental energy reserves:

Fortunately, fatigue is usually temporary. The body recuperates through rest and recovery. Getting adequate sleep, eating balanced meals, reducing stressors, and pacing activities helps prevent and alleviate tiredness.

However, chronic fatigue lasting over 6 months may indicate an underlying health condition - it's best checked by a doctor.

How to manage fatigue:

While tiring at times, fatigue reminds us of our human limitations. Respecting our natural cycles by resting and restoring energy ultimately helps us live balanced, healthy lives.

For more information on managing fatigue, you can visit Restore Health Clinic.

Restore energy and balance - visit Restore Health Clinic today.

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